Lydith 30 f3.5 II – An Extremely Versatile Lens

We would like to take this opportunity to give you a little help getting started with your Lydith 30. The Lydith 30 is probably our most versatile lens. It produces exceptional three-dimensional pictures with bright colors and distinctive bokeh and swirl effects. Which situations allow you to achieve these photographic effects? You will need to consider a few things while both setting up the subject of your photo and photographing.


To achieve the perfect soap-bubble-bokeh, it is important to position the subject at close range while keeping enough distance to create a high-contrast background.

The bokeh can be achieved using f3.5 to f4.0. The focused main subject of your photo should be approximately 0.5m to 1.5m (1.5ft to 5ft) away. The distance between the subject and background should be at least 1m (3.25ft).

The closer the focus point to the camera, the greater the bubbles in the background. The stronger the background contrast, the more bubbles appear. Ideally, you should opt for a busy background with strong backlighting such as light-filled trees, lights on a skyline at night, or fairy lights.


The Swirl is created using the Lydith 30 at close range with a short distance to the background, as well as for subjects further away with a clear distance to the background.TipThe Lydith is perfect for macro photography or working with extension tubes thanks to its close focusing distance, three-dimensional images, and excellent sharpness at close range.


Das Lydith eignet sich durch seine Naheinstellgrenze, dreidimensionale Abbildung und hohe Schärfeleistung im Nahbereich, perfekt für Makroaufnahmen oder das Arbeiten mit einem Zwischenring.

Checkliste Motiv

  • Focused subject is about 10m (33ft) away
  • A slight 3D effect is created
  • Intense color reproduction
  • Very soft, watercolor-like bokeh

Tags: Tips