Biotar 58 f1.5 II – Legendary Swirl-Bokeh & perfect sharpness

We would like to take this opportunity to give you a little help getting started with your Biotar 58. The Biotar 58 is one of the most popular Bokeh-lenses. It is extremely versatile thanks to its various options. In which situationsdo these photographic options work best? You will need to consider a few things while both setting up the subject of your photo andphotographing.


A very creamy bokeh is created at close range with an open aperture and a minimum distance to the subject - e.g. for close portraits or plant shots. Even at relatively close distances, the background blurs and an exceptionally soft bokeh is created.


From about 1m distance to the subject, the swirl bokeh appears and becomes even more pronounced from about 2m distance. The background should be 2m or more away. The swirl becomes visible even with only few contrasts.


The bubble bokeh tends to occur at portrait distances and can also occur with extension rings, for example, in macro photography. For this bokeh, high contrasts or highlights are necessary.


The  Biotar  58  has  its  highest  imaging  performance  at  the usual  portrait  distance.  In  appropriate  situations,  swirl  & bubble bokeh can occur together and be combined for creative results.


  • Focus at approx. 3 m
  • Distance to background approx. 8m
  • High contrast background with bright light spots

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